Confused About the Chemicals in Plastic?

chemicals_plastic_lgNot sure which chemicals are safe when it comes to plastic? We’ve found a great resource that breaks down the various plastics and their impacts on the body. Check out Breast Cancer Fund’s article, Chemicals in Plastic, for a simple and easy-to-understand ingredient list.

“Plastic is everywhere—it’s used in consumer products and packaging of all kinds. And while it solves a lot of problems for manufacturers and can seem convenient to consumers, there are also serious risks to human health and the environment from its widespread use.” Read more…

Breast Cancer Fund is an organization committed to prevention through exposing and eliminating the environmental causes of breast cancer. They are truly a fantastic resource for learning about the links between breast cancer, our health and toxic substances. They have done a ton of research and pioneered the movement to understand the ingredient lists of our everyday consumer products. Learn more about them and get involved here.